The Canal -By Daniel Morris
This has been one of the most descriptive books I have read in a long time. The Canal, is one of those books that is like a guilty pleasure; There are so many “wrong” things going on in the story, but you can not help yourself from putting the book down. It is definatly not a book for the person with a weak stomach (some of the writing was some of the most disgusting stuff I have read in quite sometime. Since I am not one of those, I found the story enjoyable. I was quite impressed with the amount of detail written about the characters so I felt as if I could picture them and form an opinion about them. Normally, I don't get that invested in the characters but this time I really did...for the most part I couldn't stand them, yet at the same time I couldn't get enough of them. At some times the story could get a little confusing, but it was when they were dealing with confused people and it took a few paragraphs to “catch on.” Other than that, the story was enjoyable and I would recommend it to those who like horror, gore, and dysfunctional people.
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